ScreenTime Legacy

screentime live tv & couchguy vod

$ 20

per month
2 connections

* ​4,000+ Live Channels
* All Sports & PPV Packages
* 21,000+ Movies & 3,600+ TV Shows
* 3,500+ Bonus Channels (Inc 24/7 Channels)
* Quick To Add New Content
* About 50% Chance Of Customer Requests 
Being Added
* Can be unstable and buffer lots
(this seems to affect about 50% of users)

get plan
ScreenTime Legacy

screentime live tv & screentime video

$ 21

per month
2 connections

* ​4,000+ Live Channels
* All Sports & PPV Packages
* ​29,000+ Movies & 6,400+ TV Shows
* 4,300+ Bonus Channels (Inc 24/7 Channels)
* New Content Updates Regularly But Can Sometimes Stagnate For A Few Weeks
* Rarely Responds To Customer Requests
* Very Stable For All Users (Never Buffers)

get plan
ScreenTime Legacy 

couchguy vod only

$ 11

per month
2 connections

* 21,000+ Movies & 3,600+ TV Shows
* 3,500+ Bonus Channels (Inc 24/7 Channels)
* Quick To Add New Content
* About 50% Chance Of Customer Requests 
Being Added
* Can be unstable and buffer lots
(this seems to affect about 50% of users)

get plan
ScreenTime Legacy 

screentime video only

$ 13

per month
2 connections

* ​29,000+ Movies & 6,400+ TV Shows
* 4,300+ Bonus Channels (Inc 24/7 Channels)
* New Content Updates Regularly But Can Sometimes Stagnate For A Few Weeks
* Rarely Responds To Customer Requests
* Very Stable For All Users (Never Buffers)

get plan